Tuesday, February 5, 2013
When Your Emotions Become Like Ticking Bombs
So where disease come from?
As manifested in your body in the first place?
You environment and diet really play an important role in the disease?
Now, the information contained in this article are shocking, to say the least. For years, health officials have the public on how diet and environment specifically told contribute to most diseases.
The doctors have been preaching to their patients how important it is to eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly. It is also advisable to limit our fat intake, because it is unhealthy. Many people believe that taking vitamins and minerals, they themselves will ensure that any lack of them are supported.
If any information that has been preached to us about disease and health is true, then how is it that someone like me could become a chronic disease? Before becoming a chronic disease, I worked four or five days a week and ate very well. I was eating a healthy and varied diet and also limited my intake of saturated fats. As I have become a chronic disease after taking such an active lifestyle and healthy?
Well, bad is a physical manifestation, the causes of most diseases are not physical. The real causes of almost all lies deep malaise of each person who is ill. Basically, we create all the diseases which we live, whether. Or in a subconscious level So, how is that possible?
As we can see ourselves, what kind of circumstances? Well, there are various emotional and mental patterns are associated with each disease are. As you use your mind and how you respond to your outer world to do more with the disease your diet and your environment.
We have heard in recent years, such as stress can kill you. Well, that really is not the stress itself will kill you, it is how you choose with the stress that could hurt you or make you very sick deal. The body is essentially a reflection of our thoughts, inner emotions and beliefs. Every cell in your body has its own intelligence and is able to hear what you think and feel what you are expressing emotional.
In reality, your cells and your body respond to every thought you have every emotion and every word you say. Repetitive thought patterns and suppress negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness and hatred can and will eventually manifest as disease in the body. Literally, your suppressed emotions like ticking bombs waiting for the perfect conditions to detonate and manifest the disease has become.
It is a metaphysical philosophy / science. Metaphysics focused as there are many factors in the universe that can not be justified by the five senses of the human body. In the aspect of the disease metaphysics suggests that there are different factors that emotional and mental manifestation mutually correlating disease. The correlation between emotions and thought patterns of a particular disease may perceive as deeply.
For example, consider a person with heart disease. Metaphysically speaking, is the heart of love and the blood represents joy. Our hearts pump this joy in our bodies. When someone lack of joy and love of life, the heart contracts and is cold and the blood is so slow. At this stage it is for heart disease such as angina, atherosclerosis, and arterial plaque presentation. In fact, if you look at most people look at heart disease, you will find a lack of joy and love in their lives.
Further correlation metaphysical repressed emotions and disease, the cancer would be. This disease is usually in people. Deep anger for yourself or for others sentiments and circumstances that have been found that have occurred in the past These people were affected very impressed with the past event and usually carry hatred for a long time, until it begins to literally eat away the body and manifests as cancer.
I hope now you can begin to see a low correlation between the emotional and mental state of a person and the disease they carry. When a person comes down with an illness, they must look and see what they thought or what emotions they have been deleted.
Many times, however, were the emotional and mental triggers for a particular illness several months to years before the onset of the disease itself. It is essential to the root causes, the discover the manifestation of the disease triggered. Also called common illnesses like colds and flu may have different psychological and emotional factors that contribute to it.
If you are sick, in general, you should listen to your body and listen to what he says. Instead of always looking for a magic pill or supplement blue magic, you must be aware of their bodies. If you are chronically ill, then you must accept full responsibility for their own health. No doctor or medicine can cure any disease. You can fix inside to eliminate any illness. God equipped each of us with everything we ever need in this world.
How much have really manifests itself in the body
The symptoms that result from three factors: generates
1) Toxic Thoughts
2) Toxic Emotions
3) Toxic chemicals in your body from your negative emotions.
Your toxic (negative) thoughts, which really determine your perception of life events, for you, negative emotions that cause the cells of the body to create toxic chemicals and in turn cause your body to have to create cells, toxic lead to disease.
Science is now proving that if you are in a state of despair and discord, the cells toxic chemicals to deteriorate and degenerate the body tend to produce.
Whenever you move the stress and disharmony you express negative emotions to literally create toxic chemicals in the cells. This leads to. Your body in a state of degeneration and stagnation If you are in this state, you will be able attracts viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, candida (yeast), and also store toxic chemicals in foods and pollution, because it can not properly detoxify.
Also, if you are stressed or run one of the negative emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, etc. tense. This causes a lot crisper of your biological processes vigilance. Nutrient transport, cellular respiration, detoxification, elimination, digestion, assimilation, hormone production and function of the brain disturbed too heavy to a progressive degeneration of the system as a whole was.
Emotional stress has the greatest effect on the immune system before any other factor. If you are in a state of balance and harmony mentally, emotionally and physically, then illness simply not defined in the body. Most people have not learned how to deal with stress and live a more balanced way. Today's society promotes drama, stress and struggle. The secret is when emotions and distance are in storage at the origin of the true root cause of most diseases.
To help the food and the environment, contribute to the disease, but they are not the cause. Just watch someone calm and approach life in a balanced way. These people rarely get sick and almost never chronically ill. Chronically ill are the ones that tend to be very emotional and / or had severe traumatic experiences in her past. They are also people who depend on these emotions tend to correlate events.
The great secret that many health organizations do not want you to know is that the body has a divine plan for perfect health. Every cell in your body has its own intelligence and is programmed for optimum performance. Because of this divine plan, the body knows how to heal itself, no matter what. The illness, injury or imbalance that may be present
The key is how to use this plan to restore your health or improve your current health of the optimal functioning. Once you know how to use this cellular model for perfect health, you can cure any disease.
Divine Plan for Perfect Health
As an example of how this plan works to perfect health. Suppose you cut your finger. What most people do not know is that the second cut is made, there are biological processes that start immediately to regenerate and heal the wound.
Due to the cellular programming your body for a perfect restoration, all the necessary processes and substances to heal the wound are automatically driven to perfection. Accordingly, it is completely healed after about a week of cutting and you never know that there was ever a breach.
Another example of the divine perfection of the body and how smart he is, is when you break a bone. Here is another example where the body begins to repair and regenerate immediately, which is out of balance with the Divine Plan. Again after about 6 weeks, the bone is completely healed and he is about to break actually stronger at the point it was before.
So, from these two examples, it is clear that the body knows how to be everything to heal presented. The question is not really a person can cure a chronic disease, but the person has the right information can still be used to treat?
True healing
So, how can we begin to heal the emotional and psychological trauma of his past? The secret to learn to heal on all levels of being to let go and forgive. Learn to forgive yourself and all the people who hurt you is perceived as the best remedy for any life issue or if it is. To a chronic illness or an unhealthy relationship with a family member or a past lover
Note that I said perceived as someone who has hurt you. The fact is that no one will ever do hurt in life. You can not afford to get hurt. Mental and emotional pain you have experienced in life was really because of the perception you had about every event in life. The key is to learn how to change your perception of life.
I have found from personal experience that forgiveness is absolutely the best cure for all life's questions. I know that when I began to forgive those who have wronged me, I thought, my life and my health began to improve dramatically. The question that I ask of anyone who says they are chronically ill or has any kind of health condition ... That is the problem?
Forgiveness can actually cure diseases. I will say that forgiveness is the panacea that many people look for in life. There are many people who hate, resentment, anger and bitterness toward the people they think they hurt to wear. Put these emotions into the body and stored over the years to manifest as disease and other imbalances. Your emotions are stored in your energy fields and form blockages. There is now scientific instruments able to read your energy field (aura) and are able to tell where you have energy blockages. Depending on where you energetic blockages in your aura, you are more likely to develop certain diseases.
In essence, if you could read the human energy fields (will), you might say, where they blocked energetically and be able to predict what specific diseases they are more likely to come with.
Release old emotions cause changes in your energy fields and thus release energy blockages that you have. Therefore, the release old stuff can do wonders for your health.
I've heard of people with miraculous cures of the disease, when they decided to have to forgive someone for the past. In fact, there are the health promotion biochemical changes in the body of a person, if they occur in a state of remission.
Sun forgive as you might say? Forgiveness is not a difficult and complex process, as many people believe. It takes no extended time and energy and does not require knowledge of how to do it. Here is the secret answer to forgiveness. Forgiveness begins with a thought. The idea really want to forgive that person, so that the last event go and letting go of the need to be right. The rest is God, as long as you are sincere about wanting to be the person to forgive.
That's it! Pretty simple, right? It does not work! Just do it. The sooner you, the sooner you will feel like a mountain has moved away from the shoulders. Not only free, but you must also release the other person. Even if the other person finds out that you forgive, they will experience a release of a certain type at a certain level.
A little advice I can give is, that to be able to forgive someone else, you must first forgive. The same principle applies here, where they had just let go of the past, the idea to forgive and let all the anger and pain of the past event.
If you really include the following information, you will heal well on your way to you all that you have a disease and / or the creation of optimal health.
The formula for complete healing
1) the full responsibility of your disease. Everyone can never heal. It is your responsibility to heal all levels of your being quite good. Education and empowerment with knowledge holistic healthy, you are. Well on your way to healing
2) commitment to do everything possible to heal itself lasts. I would have gone to the North Pole and back, if I had to. Currently obliged to do what you need to do regardless of how much energy and money you need to heal.
3) forgiveness, as already explained, the best remedy for your recovery.
4) The implementation of a diet and the environment that supports your physical health. (You'll learn how to do that in this book.)
5) Learn how to adjust your thoughts and feelings, to support long-term health.
Holistic modalities and true organic supplements can help you to heal on the physical level, but only if you accept full responsibility for your health and realize your complete. You are a multidimensional being with a complex psyche. You need to learn to balance your multidimensionality.
The only way to really cure any disease at all levels of their being healing. Need to make their mind-body-mind complex to be addressed and work to the areas that heal off balance. Without this balance, we can never truly heal!
The source of all diseases is the Cure!
As manifested in your body in the first place?
You environment and diet really play an important role in the disease?
Now, the information contained in this article are shocking, to say the least. For years, health officials have the public on how diet and environment specifically told contribute to most diseases.
The doctors have been preaching to their patients how important it is to eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly. It is also advisable to limit our fat intake, because it is unhealthy. Many people believe that taking vitamins and minerals, they themselves will ensure that any lack of them are supported.
If any information that has been preached to us about disease and health is true, then how is it that someone like me could become a chronic disease? Before becoming a chronic disease, I worked four or five days a week and ate very well. I was eating a healthy and varied diet and also limited my intake of saturated fats. As I have become a chronic disease after taking such an active lifestyle and healthy?
Well, bad is a physical manifestation, the causes of most diseases are not physical. The real causes of almost all lies deep malaise of each person who is ill. Basically, we create all the diseases which we live, whether. Or in a subconscious level So, how is that possible?
As we can see ourselves, what kind of circumstances? Well, there are various emotional and mental patterns are associated with each disease are. As you use your mind and how you respond to your outer world to do more with the disease your diet and your environment.
We have heard in recent years, such as stress can kill you. Well, that really is not the stress itself will kill you, it is how you choose with the stress that could hurt you or make you very sick deal. The body is essentially a reflection of our thoughts, inner emotions and beliefs. Every cell in your body has its own intelligence and is able to hear what you think and feel what you are expressing emotional.
In reality, your cells and your body respond to every thought you have every emotion and every word you say. Repetitive thought patterns and suppress negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness and hatred can and will eventually manifest as disease in the body. Literally, your suppressed emotions like ticking bombs waiting for the perfect conditions to detonate and manifest the disease has become.
It is a metaphysical philosophy / science. Metaphysics focused as there are many factors in the universe that can not be justified by the five senses of the human body. In the aspect of the disease metaphysics suggests that there are different factors that emotional and mental manifestation mutually correlating disease. The correlation between emotions and thought patterns of a particular disease may perceive as deeply.
For example, consider a person with heart disease. Metaphysically speaking, is the heart of love and the blood represents joy. Our hearts pump this joy in our bodies. When someone lack of joy and love of life, the heart contracts and is cold and the blood is so slow. At this stage it is for heart disease such as angina, atherosclerosis, and arterial plaque presentation. In fact, if you look at most people look at heart disease, you will find a lack of joy and love in their lives.
Further correlation metaphysical repressed emotions and disease, the cancer would be. This disease is usually in people. Deep anger for yourself or for others sentiments and circumstances that have been found that have occurred in the past These people were affected very impressed with the past event and usually carry hatred for a long time, until it begins to literally eat away the body and manifests as cancer.
I hope now you can begin to see a low correlation between the emotional and mental state of a person and the disease they carry. When a person comes down with an illness, they must look and see what they thought or what emotions they have been deleted.
Many times, however, were the emotional and mental triggers for a particular illness several months to years before the onset of the disease itself. It is essential to the root causes, the discover the manifestation of the disease triggered. Also called common illnesses like colds and flu may have different psychological and emotional factors that contribute to it.
If you are sick, in general, you should listen to your body and listen to what he says. Instead of always looking for a magic pill or supplement blue magic, you must be aware of their bodies. If you are chronically ill, then you must accept full responsibility for their own health. No doctor or medicine can cure any disease. You can fix inside to eliminate any illness. God equipped each of us with everything we ever need in this world.
How much have really manifests itself in the body
The symptoms that result from three factors: generates
1) Toxic Thoughts
2) Toxic Emotions
3) Toxic chemicals in your body from your negative emotions.
Your toxic (negative) thoughts, which really determine your perception of life events, for you, negative emotions that cause the cells of the body to create toxic chemicals and in turn cause your body to have to create cells, toxic lead to disease.
Science is now proving that if you are in a state of despair and discord, the cells toxic chemicals to deteriorate and degenerate the body tend to produce.
Whenever you move the stress and disharmony you express negative emotions to literally create toxic chemicals in the cells. This leads to. Your body in a state of degeneration and stagnation If you are in this state, you will be able attracts viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, candida (yeast), and also store toxic chemicals in foods and pollution, because it can not properly detoxify.
Also, if you are stressed or run one of the negative emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, etc. tense. This causes a lot crisper of your biological processes vigilance. Nutrient transport, cellular respiration, detoxification, elimination, digestion, assimilation, hormone production and function of the brain disturbed too heavy to a progressive degeneration of the system as a whole was.
Emotional stress has the greatest effect on the immune system before any other factor. If you are in a state of balance and harmony mentally, emotionally and physically, then illness simply not defined in the body. Most people have not learned how to deal with stress and live a more balanced way. Today's society promotes drama, stress and struggle. The secret is when emotions and distance are in storage at the origin of the true root cause of most diseases.
To help the food and the environment, contribute to the disease, but they are not the cause. Just watch someone calm and approach life in a balanced way. These people rarely get sick and almost never chronically ill. Chronically ill are the ones that tend to be very emotional and / or had severe traumatic experiences in her past. They are also people who depend on these emotions tend to correlate events.
The great secret that many health organizations do not want you to know is that the body has a divine plan for perfect health. Every cell in your body has its own intelligence and is programmed for optimum performance. Because of this divine plan, the body knows how to heal itself, no matter what. The illness, injury or imbalance that may be present
The key is how to use this plan to restore your health or improve your current health of the optimal functioning. Once you know how to use this cellular model for perfect health, you can cure any disease.
Divine Plan for Perfect Health
As an example of how this plan works to perfect health. Suppose you cut your finger. What most people do not know is that the second cut is made, there are biological processes that start immediately to regenerate and heal the wound.
Due to the cellular programming your body for a perfect restoration, all the necessary processes and substances to heal the wound are automatically driven to perfection. Accordingly, it is completely healed after about a week of cutting and you never know that there was ever a breach.
Another example of the divine perfection of the body and how smart he is, is when you break a bone. Here is another example where the body begins to repair and regenerate immediately, which is out of balance with the Divine Plan. Again after about 6 weeks, the bone is completely healed and he is about to break actually stronger at the point it was before.
So, from these two examples, it is clear that the body knows how to be everything to heal presented. The question is not really a person can cure a chronic disease, but the person has the right information can still be used to treat?
True healing
So, how can we begin to heal the emotional and psychological trauma of his past? The secret to learn to heal on all levels of being to let go and forgive. Learn to forgive yourself and all the people who hurt you is perceived as the best remedy for any life issue or if it is. To a chronic illness or an unhealthy relationship with a family member or a past lover
Note that I said perceived as someone who has hurt you. The fact is that no one will ever do hurt in life. You can not afford to get hurt. Mental and emotional pain you have experienced in life was really because of the perception you had about every event in life. The key is to learn how to change your perception of life.
I have found from personal experience that forgiveness is absolutely the best cure for all life's questions. I know that when I began to forgive those who have wronged me, I thought, my life and my health began to improve dramatically. The question that I ask of anyone who says they are chronically ill or has any kind of health condition ... That is the problem?
Forgiveness can actually cure diseases. I will say that forgiveness is the panacea that many people look for in life. There are many people who hate, resentment, anger and bitterness toward the people they think they hurt to wear. Put these emotions into the body and stored over the years to manifest as disease and other imbalances. Your emotions are stored in your energy fields and form blockages. There is now scientific instruments able to read your energy field (aura) and are able to tell where you have energy blockages. Depending on where you energetic blockages in your aura, you are more likely to develop certain diseases.
In essence, if you could read the human energy fields (will), you might say, where they blocked energetically and be able to predict what specific diseases they are more likely to come with.
Release old emotions cause changes in your energy fields and thus release energy blockages that you have. Therefore, the release old stuff can do wonders for your health.
I've heard of people with miraculous cures of the disease, when they decided to have to forgive someone for the past. In fact, there are the health promotion biochemical changes in the body of a person, if they occur in a state of remission.
Sun forgive as you might say? Forgiveness is not a difficult and complex process, as many people believe. It takes no extended time and energy and does not require knowledge of how to do it. Here is the secret answer to forgiveness. Forgiveness begins with a thought. The idea really want to forgive that person, so that the last event go and letting go of the need to be right. The rest is God, as long as you are sincere about wanting to be the person to forgive.
That's it! Pretty simple, right? It does not work! Just do it. The sooner you, the sooner you will feel like a mountain has moved away from the shoulders. Not only free, but you must also release the other person. Even if the other person finds out that you forgive, they will experience a release of a certain type at a certain level.
A little advice I can give is, that to be able to forgive someone else, you must first forgive. The same principle applies here, where they had just let go of the past, the idea to forgive and let all the anger and pain of the past event.
If you really include the following information, you will heal well on your way to you all that you have a disease and / or the creation of optimal health.
The formula for complete healing
1) the full responsibility of your disease. Everyone can never heal. It is your responsibility to heal all levels of your being quite good. Education and empowerment with knowledge holistic healthy, you are. Well on your way to healing
2) commitment to do everything possible to heal itself lasts. I would have gone to the North Pole and back, if I had to. Currently obliged to do what you need to do regardless of how much energy and money you need to heal.
3) forgiveness, as already explained, the best remedy for your recovery.
4) The implementation of a diet and the environment that supports your physical health. (You'll learn how to do that in this book.)
5) Learn how to adjust your thoughts and feelings, to support long-term health.
Holistic modalities and true organic supplements can help you to heal on the physical level, but only if you accept full responsibility for your health and realize your complete. You are a multidimensional being with a complex psyche. You need to learn to balance your multidimensionality.
The only way to really cure any disease at all levels of their being healing. Need to make their mind-body-mind complex to be addressed and work to the areas that heal off balance. Without this balance, we can never truly heal!
The source of all diseases is the Cure!

This post was written by: Samir AbdelHamid
I'm a Blogger interested in Health and Fitness .. !
I hope that you benefit this advice